Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Automated OBIEE report output extract into file system

In many places this might be a common requirement to download/extract the OBIEE output into a file system automatically. Manually it can be done by clicking on ‘Export’ button on the report page. Through IBOT/Agent also the output file can be shared via email.

OBIEE doesn’t provide any out of the box functionality to extract the report content into file system. But this can be done using Action framework (in 11g) which has a direct integration with Java. Any process that can be called via Java can also be invoked from OBIEE11g.


This section will cover how to extract the OBIEE report output into a shared folder in .xls/.csv/.pdf etc. format using a Java method (EJB).

Create one .ear file (e.g. OBIEEContentExportApp.ear) and place it under <MIDDLEWAREHOME>.

Now to deploy –
n  Open weblogic console and go to deployments and then Lock & Edit
n  Click ‘Install’ from Summary of deployments tab
n  Select path e.g. <MIDDLEWAREHOME>\OBIEEContentExportApp.ear and click Next
n  Select ‘Install this deployments as an application’ option and then Next
n  Select bi_server1 as target  and click Next
n  Leave the default settings and click Next
n  Choose ‘No, I will review the configuration later’ option and click Finish
n  Click Activate changes
n  Select the application and then Start

Update “ActionFrameworkConfig.xml” file to enable Java Method calls from OBIEE11g.

Navigate to “<MiddlewareHome\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\config\fmwconfig\biinstances\coreapplication\ActionFrameworkConfig.xml” and update the .xml file as described below:

< registries>
< registry>
< id>reg03</id>
< name>Sample EJBs</name>
< content-type>java</content-type>
< provider-class></provider-class>
< description>Custom Java classes which can be invoked as an Action</description>
< location>
< path/>
< /location>
< custom-config>
< ejb-targets>
< appserver>
< context-factory>weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory</context-factory>
< jndi-url>t3://localhost:9704</jndi-url>
< server-name>localhost</server-name>
< account>WLSJNDI</account>
< ejb-exclude>mgmt</ejb-exclude>
< ejb-exclude>PopulationServiceBean</ejb-exclude>
< /appserver>
< ejb-app>
< server>localhost</server>
< app-context>ActionSamplesEJB</app-context>
< /ejb-app>
< /ejb-targets>
< /custom-config>
< /registry>
< /registries>

< accounts>
< account>
< name>WLSJNDI</name>
< description>Account used to access WLS JNDI.</description>
< adminonly>false</adminonly>
< credentialkey>JNDIUser</credentialkey>
< /account>
< /accounts>

Login to OBIEE Enterprise Manager à Goto Weblogic Domain à Credentials à Create Map for

Create a Credential Key for JNDIUser using Weblogic username/password.

Restart all OBIEE services.

Configuration & Testing:-
n  Login to OBIEE 11g & Create an Agent
n  Select the Content as ‘Analysis or Dashboard Page’ in Delivery Content tab
n  Select the Recipient
n  Select User Destination as “Home Page and Dashboard”
n  Invoke the Java Method from Action tab
n  Enter the filename with extension and path & choose the values as delivery content
n  Schedule the Agent or run it; it will generate the output file into predefined location

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've followed your steps, but whenever I try to open the .xlsx file exported, unfortunately I have and error "Excel completed file level validation and repair. Some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded". I have tried to export a simple analysis, whit a single text column. Have you any suggestion fot this error? Thank you very much. Best regards.
